Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Look for this magazine, it's great

MuscleCar Power. Here's a discussion thread that describes it well, but the link just deadends at godaddy.com, and doesn't show the car magazines website at all. hmmm.


However, I bought one, unlike those discussing it, and here's what I've found that contradicts the thread, the issue is 4.99 plus tax, and has no credits in the header page about Tom Shaw or Greg Donohue... so what is going on? Whatever the deal is, it's a better magazine than Hot Rod or Car Craft, and has very, very, little advertising.

Heavily recommended

Here's the website of it's publisher, who appears to be just as slow at IT as Primedia, and doesn't yet list MuscleCar Power magazine as something they make or take subscriptions to... hmmm

http://www.apg-media.com/content/view/26/47/ also http://www.sema.org/main/semaorghome.aspx?folder=/directory/member.asp?prevID=27333&id=12243163&CMS=ND

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