Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Ford will rename the 500, call it a Taurus, finally a bull looking car

Ford Reverses Stupid Decision, Brings Back Taurus Brand
In a reversal of one of the most idiotic brand decisions in decades, two un-named Ford execs said the Taurus name will return and be affixed to the two year old, poorly named Five Hundred. In 1992, 410,000 vehicles were sold. The Taurus brand resurrected Ford and outsold all other cars old in America for five years straight. The name as retired last October after 21 years.

New Ford Chief Executive Alan Malally has been high on the name since he joined Ford last year. Most assuredly, the ad campaign supporting this launch will be large and far-reaching. Whether or not the renamed Five Hundred will be remotely as popular as the original Taurus is an entirely different discussion.

From http://www.adrants.com/2007/02/ford-reverses-stupid-decision-brings-back.php

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