Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Lydia - Le Marais - Paris

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" ... I am a student in HighSchool.
I have an option for Fashion in "Paul Poiret"
HighSchool. My look is "Baby Doll". I love riding
my bicycle. I hate lies ..."

I wear a trench and dress by a designer
(I don't remember her name)
My boots are vinatge
Hermès Birkin Bag from my mother
Perfume: "Chance" by Chanel

Guillaume - Le Marais - Paris

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" ... I study Arts. For me, Fashion
is to try to be 1. My look is Dandy.
I love to make love while drinking
iced white Martini with olive and
lemon. I hate betrayal. My message
to the world: Keep it jew, keep it real ! ..."

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I wear a sweater by H&M
I wear a shirt by Gap
Slim by Uniqlo
Dancing Shoes "Zizi" by Repetto
Umbrella by Sisley
Bag made by Lydia
Perfume: never

Monday, 20 September 2010

Diane - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris

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" ... I work as a Model and I am a Pianist.
For me Fashion is very important
as the make-up and haircut. My
look is a daily look. I love music and piano.
I don't like people who forget to take care about themselves.
My message to the world: Take care of yourself ! ..."

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I wear a jacket by Guess by Marciano
Boots by Janet & Janet
Bag by Michael Kors
shades by Prada
Perfume: White Musc by Body Shop

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Coralie - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris

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" ... I work as Sales Assistant at American Apparel
Store. In Fashion, I like the mix of styles. I love Music,
playing guitar and eating all kinds of food. I hate when
somebody wants to buy my jacket in the street. My
message to the world: freedom ! ..."

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I wear a vintage Jacket
Dancing shoes by American Apparel
Carrot Pants by AA
Belt and Croptop by AA
Socks from Auchan
Perfume: Vanilla by Y.Rocher

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Valentine - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris

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" ... I work as Sales Assistant in K store.
For me Fashion is the Style and Look.
Today my Look is a mix 50's-70's.
I love Buffalo stuffed heads. I have a collection
of 60 ! I hate hippy movement. My message to
the world: Together far from here ! ..."

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I wear a stiped sweater designed by a friend
Fashion student.
Leggings by Berschka
Vintage Vinyl Boots
Vintage HeadBand
Perfume: Extracts of Vanilla

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Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Kevin - Avenue Montaigne - Paris

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" ... I am a pro Football Player.
For me Fashion is style. My look is trendy into
the groove. I love to score. I hate to lose.
My message to the world: Build peace .. "

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I wear pants jacket and hat by Zara
Shoes by Doc Marten's
Sunnies by RayBan
Perfume: "One Million" by Paco Rabane

Monday, 13 September 2010

Loïs - Avenue Montaigne - Paris

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" ... I study Arts. Fashion is one of my passions.
It talks about you and your personality. Today, my
look is casual. I love photography. I hate injustice.
My message to the world: Open your mind and
discover the world ..."

I wear a jaket by Sandro
a dress by Zara
Italian Shoes
Clutch by Bel Air
Perfume: "The One" by D

Emma - Avenue Montaigne - Paris

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" ... I am a student in Erasmus program.
For me Fashion is a daily thought. Today,
my look is trendy & colored. I love smiling
people. I hate strikes. My message to the
world: Live your life !... "

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I wear vintage cardigan, hat & Bag.
Jumpsuit by AA
Shoes from Sweden
Beirette Camera vintage
Perfume by Stella McCartney

Stanislas - Etoile - Paris

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" ... I study Fashion at Chambre syndicale
de la Couture Parisienne. For me Fashion is
a conclusion of an Art where a witness meets
the designer in a creation. A clothe not worn
does'nt exist for me. Today, my look is like a
kind of Homeless Chic. I love compassion.
I hate mediocrity. My message to the world:
Be free and love each others ..."

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I wear a cardigan by 044
Top-Shirt by Zadig&Voltaire
Scarf by Vivienne Westwood
Pants designed by Myself
Vintage shoes
Hat selfcustomised
Perfume: "L'Homme" by Dior

Friday, 10 September 2010

Fashion Ears - Maison Michel - Paris

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J'aime bien ces "Oreilles Fashion" de la Maison Michel (Chanel)
photographiées à la Nuit de la Mode à Paris ...
Mais j'ai oublié de demander son nom à la demoiselle
du Fashion Market de l'avenue Montaigne ...

Je crois que la "Maison Michel" a été rachetée par Chanel,
il y a quelques années. J'avais eu la chance de la visiter
à l'époque où son créateur était encore au travail ...

Visiter le site de la Maison Michel ici

Yoshino - Avenue Matignon - Paris

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" ... I study Arts in Beaux Arts School.
Fashion is an important part of my life.
Today my look is casual. I love Sushis.
I hate to be chatted up in the street.
My message to the world: Love Fashion,
Fashion will love you ! ..."

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I wear a top by NewLook
Shoes by Zara
Vintage Bag
Perfume: "Eau Sensuelle" by Rochas

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Duncan - Avenue Montaigne - Paris

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" ... I am a Stylist.
I wear a vintage jacket
Pants designed by myself ..."

Unfortunatly I have lost sound file concerning Ducan.
I am so sorry. Ducan, if you can send me an email. It would be
very kind of you.
Many thanks

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Monday, 6 September 2010

Laurie - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris

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" ... I study Communication.
For me Fashion is to be good looking.
I have no idea about what my look is.
In life, I love food and I hate gerkhins.
My message to the world: Stay cool !..."

I wear a vintage Jacket.
T-Shirt by H&M
Shorts by Zara
Boots by H&M
Etnic Bag by Zankara
Perfume: never

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Sarah - Le Marais - Paris

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" ... I am a student in Journalism.
For me Fashion is like a game. But I don't like
dressing-up outfits. I have no idea about what my look is.
I love black chocolate (86%). I hate arrogance.
My message to the world: no message ... "

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I wear a T-Shirt by Fabio Lucci
Vintage Skirt from my mother
Vintage Boots (3€)
Cartier vintage bag (5€)
Sunnies "Diorette" by C.Dior
Perfume: "Boudoir" by Vivienne Westwood.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Mélusine - Rue Montorgueil - Paris

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" ... I work as Graphist Director for "Death in Paris" Studio (Click).
For me Fashion is a money cost. Today, my look a all purpose
look. I love to laugh, it's very important for me. I hate "smelling
people" in the metro. My message to the world: soon asiatics
will lead the world ! ..."

I wear a dress from Hong-Kong
Shoes by Zara
Necklace from Hong-Kong
Earrings by H&M
belt by Zara
Bag from the market
Perfume: "Ben Delicious"
by Etat libre d'Orange

Justine - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris

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" ... I work as Hairdresser.
For me Fashion is like doing changes.
My look is as it cames this morning.
I love Hair. I hate pink color.
My message to the world: Have a hair cut !..."

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I wear a jacket from my brother
A dress by H&M
Belt vintage
Shoes by Doc Marten's
Hat and Bag by ?

Aurelie - Rue Montorgueil - Paris

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" ... I work as Art Director.
For me Fashion reflects the state of mind
and personality. My look is Rock & Androgynous
and casual. I love when People leave me alone.
I hate when people ask me questions.
My message to the world: Come as you are ..."

I wear a jacket by Zara
T-Shirt by All Saints
Jeans by April 77
Shoes by ?
Customised Bag by Marc Jacobs
Perfume: "Serge Noir" by Serge Lutens
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