Sunday, 30 May 2010

Grazia aime Easy Fashion ...

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Après celui de Teen Vogue, Easy Fashion figure en bonne compagnie dans le "Tour du Monde" (click!)
des meilleurs blogs de Street Style de avec cette photo de Louise / Miss Pandora.
Merci à Annabel Laso ! (et merci Chloé de me l'avoir signalé !). C'est gentil ! Je n'ai pas beaucoup
de contact avec les magazines français d'habitude ... Mais je connais la version Allemande de Grazia.
Les filles du service photo sont très sympas et nous travaillons ensemble de temps en temps.
Bon les filles ! C'est quand vous voulez pour vos photos de Steet Style sur Easy Fashion !
Bonne journée à toutes et à tous


Pour voir la page Grazia, cliquez à droite dans la rubrique "Easy Fashion featuring in ..." ou sur
le lien dans le texte ...

Friday, 28 May 2010

Hugo & Nini - Beaubourg - Paris

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"I am a Designer-Stylist.
My look is spontaneous.
I love Smiles & Cats. I hate negativ People.
My message: Hapiness and smiles are more important
than money !"
All my outfit vintage except my hat by CA4LA (Japan)
Perfume: "Black" by KENNETH COLE

"I am a Make-Up Artist for Fashion
My look is "Brigade du Tigre".
I love modesty. I hate stupidity".
I wear a shirt by H&M
Black jeans by MARC JACOBS
Boots and Bag are vintage
Perfume: "Blanc" by LALIQUE

Nadia - Etienne Marcel - Paris

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"I work as Account Back Office Assistant
For me Fashion is to claim your own personality
My look is casual-trendy
I love Music. I hate Christophe Mae (french singer).
If I had € 1000, I would buy plenty of jeans !
My message to the world: Every day, have fun to the max !"
I wear a jacket and jean's by MISS SIXTY
T-Shirt and Shoes from a little shop.
Sunnies by RAYBAN
Perfume by ESCADA

Yanh - Etienne Marcel - Paris

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"I am a Vegetal Sculptor Artist
For me Fashion is a Clothe Code.
My look is basic. I love Flowers, I hate people being late".
I wear a vintage cardigan
Jean's 501 Levi's
Made to mesure shoes
Vintage hat
My motorbike is a MOTOBECANE
50 CC 2 speeds (1939)

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Marie - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris

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"I design my own jewels with
Fashion is to be in harmony with yourself.
But I don't care about brands ...
My look is Fitness-Rock.
I love Music (click). I hate lies.
If I had €1000, I would buy red high-heeled shoes.
My message to the world: Be yourself !"
I wear a shirt from my father
a T-Shirt by MANGO
Shorts, belt & glasses by H&M
Sneakers by ADIDAS
Bag from the market
Perfume: "Flower" by KENZO

Anaïs - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris

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"I am a Press Attaché.
For me Fashion is to feel good, cool, rock
depend of the mood of the moment ...
My look is in a hurry.
I love Solidarity. I hate hypocrisy.
My message to the world: Try to be happy
with simple things ..."
I wear a jacket by MANGO.
A dress by ZARA.
Shoes by JONAK.
Vintage Bag
Perfume: "Coco Mademoiselle" by CHANEL

Maëva - Rue Montorgueil - Paris

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"I am student in an Art School.
For me Fashion is to express yourself
and to show who you are. My look is simple.
I love pesto pasta. I hate not kind people.
My message to the world: Be yourself.
I know nothing about brands of my outfit,except my
bag by PROMOD. My perfume is
L'Original" by Lolita Lempicka".

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Saturday, 22 May 2010

Laure - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris

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"I am in secondary School. I am 12 years old.
For me Fashion is a game, but I don't go to school dressed
like that ... Today, my look is like an aviator's look.
I love music. I hate School homework.
My message to the world: walk on the sunny side of the street !"
My sweater is a gift from my mother.
I found my glasses at Flea market.
Cap from my mother
Long socks from japan
Shoes by OYSHO (Japan)
Perfume: "Amor, amor" by CACHAREL

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Sanae - Rue Montorgueil - Paris

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"I am a student in last year of HighSchool.
My look is Rock with a classy touch.
I love to be a model. I hate to be bored.
If I had € 1000, I would buy a pair of High-Heeled YSL
and a LV Bag. My message to the world: Eat Susshis !"
I wear a vintage Jacket
Top shirt by the KOOPLES
Legging by AA
Shoes by JONAK
Bag by LV
Perfume: "N°5" by CHANEL

Same but different - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris

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Twins Alex & Nico are models

Alice - Rue Montorgueil - Paris

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I am a student in last year of HighSchool
"My look is appropriate to have a walk in Paris.
Fashion don't manage my life. I love Paris.
I hate hypocrisy. If I had € 1000, I would buy
a CHANEL Bag. My message to the world:
Bonne chance pour le Bac !"
I wear a Jacket by LEVI'S
T-Shirt by IRO
Jeans too old wich lost its brand ...
Boots by MINELLI
Perfume: "Miss Dior Cherie" by C.DIOR

Friday, 14 May 2010

Flore - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris

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"I am a student in last year of High-School.
I love Philosophy. I hate hipocrisy.
Fashion is not "the Big Thing" in my life. It's a matter of Style.
My look is simple.
If I had 1000€ I would buy a nice leather bag.
My message to the world: We are so lucky !"
I wear a jacket by MASSIMO DUTTI
Jeans by ZARA
Shoes by ANDRE
Top H&M
Bag vintage
Necklace self-made
Perfume: "Odyssée" by ISSEY MIYAKE

Bike Race - Les Halles - Paris

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J'avais déjà vu ces jolis vélos "Johnny Loco" (link) à la semaine de la Mode.
Ils sont beaux et chers et vendus chez Colette bien sûr ...
Mais il faut reconnaître qu'ils ont un design très réussi. Surtout le modèle "Delivery"
avec sa plate-forme avant à l'ancienne
et le modèle "Cargo" qui est un triporteur !
J'aime bien la façon simple de communiquer de la marque qui organise des petits
événements comme cette course dans Paris.

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Saturday, 8 May 2010

Catherine - Les Halles - Paris

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I am a student in Business School
For me, Fashion is inspiration. Today, my look is a mix.
If I had € 1000, I would buy a vintage jacket by HERMES
I love small inexpected things of life. I hate ignorance.
My mesage to the world: "Forget norms ..."
All my outfit is vintage from everywhere
except shoes by MANOUSH
Pants by YSL
little suitcase vintage from Berlin
Perfume: "Coco Mademoiselle" by CHANEL

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Marie - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris

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I am a student in last year of High-School
"I'm not following Fashion too much.
I am not obsessed with it. I have no idea about my look ...
I love Art. I hate advertising.
If I had € 1 000, I would buy an HERMES Bag".
My message to the world: "Live your life day by day to the max !"
I wear a jacket by LEVIS
Pants by MAJE
Boots by JONAK
Sweater from CONFORM TO DEFORM shop
Pashmina Scarf from India
Perfume: "Chance" by CHANEL

Yannick - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris

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I am Sales Assistant at Kiliwatch Store
Fashion is means of expression and to assert yourself.
I hate to be bored to death. I love culture.
All my outfit is a vintage mix of clothes
founded in Le Marais.
My scarf is from Kiliwatch.
Perfume: "Le Mâle" by JP GAULTIER

Monday, 3 May 2010

Mélodie - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris

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I study Psychology
"My look is personal. It's mine !
I love sun. I don't like coldness.
My message to the world: protect our planet !".
Jeans by USED-JEANS. Stappy Sandals no brand.
Shades vintage by DIOR. Headscarf from small store.
Perfume: Flower Bomb by Victor&Rolf.
"Fashion is not a concept".

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Marion - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris

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"I am a Student in a Business School.
My look is simple and negligee chic.
I love my mother.
I don't like stingy men.
My messge to the world: Respect and equality.
I wear a Blue Top casual".
Jeans by G-Star.
Cardigan by PROMOD.
Sandals by EDEN Shoes.
My bag is a gift from a friend.
My hat is an Original PANAMA ®.
Sunnies by RAYBAN.
Perfume: "Idylle " by GUERLAIN.
Fashion is the one I don't follow.

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Sunday, 2 May 2010

Maud - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris

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"I am Stylist for Men clothes
For me Fashion is a coordination between all items of your outfit.
Today I dressed myself for a Work Meeting.
I love red color. I don't like intolerant people".
"If I had € 1 000 I would buy Anne Demeulemeester or
Fith Avenue Shoe Repair clothes(Sweden)"
My message to the world: "Be yourself..."

All my outfit by TEQUILA SOLO
Shoes by REPETTO
Scarf & Shades by MONOPRIX
Perfume: "Coco Mademoiselle" by CHANEL

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Teresa - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris

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"I am student in High-School.
I usually wear a uniform at School.
But today, my look is sweet with soft colors.
I love Make-up. I would love to be a make-up artist.
But I should be scientist if everything is going right ...
I don't like to be shy sometime" ...
My message to the world: "Respect each other ..."

All my outfit from: Baby, the Stars shine bright ! (Paris)
except my shoes no particular brand
My gloves are from a religious ceremony when I was 10.
Perfume: Pink Pretty by NINA RICCI

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