Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Faiza & Ab - Rue de Rivoli - Paris

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Faiza & Ab of OTT Dubaï (click !)
Ab is featuring already on the Wrapper of Easy Fashion in Paris !
Look at this funny 2.55 XXL !

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Lou - Place Vendôme - Paris

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I am a student in Fashion Management
I wear a coat by ZARA
Shoes by ALDO
Blouse, belt, pants vintage
My scarf is a gift
Perfume "Hypnose" by DIOR
I am surrounded by Fashion
My look is vintage
I love travelling. I hate hypocrisy
I f I had 1 000€ I would buy LOUBOUTIN Platforms
My message to the world: May fashion be with you !

Enigmatic Sweet Fuschia lady - Place Vendôme

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Have you noticed, she has five beauty spots on a line ?

Monday, 29 March 2010

Catherine - rue de Rivoli - Paris

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The Lost File Girl - Les Tuileries - Paris

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Oh la la ! Once again I lost the sound file about this young lady ...
It was so cold at this time. I could have deleted by error.
If you see this post ....
But thank to Tuwie and Mama de Martina

We know now that it's Andy of Stylescrapbook !

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Sunday, 28 March 2010

Some of you ...

are waiting for pictures. I know that.
I try to do my best, but I have to work on my extra time on this blog.
Please forgive me and be patient. Your time will come !

Busy Fred

Coralie -Les Tuileries - Paris

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I am a student in a Fashion School
I wear a Hooded Cape made by myself
Pearls net jacket vintage (1€ !)
Shoes vintage
Bag Selfmade
Fur bracelets by le PRINTEMPS

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Star & Stripes - Les Tuileries - Paris

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Saturday, 27 March 2010

William - Rue de Rivoli - Paris

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I am a student in communication
I wear a jacket vintage from New York
Mink Scarf from my mother
Slim black jeans by DIESEL
Shoes by ZARA
Security Building Site Glasses
Perfume "Opium" by YSL
Fashion is to have fun with clothes
If I had 1 000€ I would buy a leather bag
I love sharing. I hate hypocrisy

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Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Catherine - Place Vendôme - Paris FW

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I am a Fashion Joiurnalist
I wear a coat by BURBERRY
Boots by CHANEL
Shades by CHANEL
Perfume: CHANEL N°5
"If I had 1000 $, I would buy this nice pair of LOUBOUTIN !"

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Sunday, 21 March 2010

Katia - Les Tuileries - Paris FW

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I am a student in Cinema
I wear a jacket by ZARA
Pants ?
Shoes by H&M
Blouse by H&M
Bag by ZARA
Necklace and Bracelets by H&M
Perfume: "Coco Mademoiselle" by CHANEL
I love Life. I hate prententious people.

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Thursday, 18 March 2010

Anna Dello Russo - Paris FW

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M. Guerre - Paris FW

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I am a writer and a photographer (Swagger360)
I wear a Tweed Vintage Jacket from England.
Pants and Shoes by RALPH LAUREN
Tweed Cap and Scarf
Turtle neck Whool Sweater
Bag Self designed
Perfume: "Eau sauvage" by C.Dior
"I am not so much interested in Fashion than in Style.
Style is what you create ...
My look is casual Fly, good enough to go in any environnement ...
If I had 1000 € to spend in Fashion stuff, I would buy good wine & cheese ..."
I love to accomplish my passions. I hate giving up.
My message to the world: Keep your eyes focused on what you want to see accomplished".

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Stacy B - Louis Vuitton - Paris FW

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Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Sasha Pivovarova - Paris FW

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Les modèles n'aiment trop qu'on les prenne en photo quand elles fument.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, elles planquent leur clopes comme des petites filles qui se font choper
en train de faire quelque chose d'interdit. C'est marrant.
Mais Sasha Pivarova, elle non. Je crois qu'elle s'en fout.

Denni - Les Tuileries - Paris

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I am a Student and a blogger (Chic Muse)
I wear a Jacket and Legging by MANGO
Hooded Sweat-Shirt by H&M
Boots by BEBE
Perfume: "Idole" by ARMANI
"Fashion is everything for me. I want to be a Stylist ...
I love Paris & New-York and I don't like brown color.
If I had 1 000 €, I would buy a BALMAIN Jacket.
My message to the world: Be Happy and always move on !"

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